Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pregnancy guide,tips for starting period of pregnancy

Pregnancy guide,tips for starting period of pregnancy

The first and foremost thing that you might want doing after reading the positive pregnancy test stick is getting it confirmed. You might want to call the doctor immediately in order to get the pregnancy test confirmed. It could take a day or two or even a week for getting the pregnancy confirmed. You would learn that patience would prove to be your best friend or else the worst enemy.

Once you have learns that you are pregnant, you would want to get an appointment with GYN/OB as soon as possible. At first appointment, the doctor would want to know about you and your family medical history. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared before you set off to see the doctor. They would also want you to know if you have been pregnant before or not, any medical conditions that you or your family have and others. Therefore, it is best collecting information and writing it down before you set an appointment with the doctor.

While preparing for the appointment, keeping a running list of the concerns and questions that you have would be great idea. The doctors would help and you can get all your concerns and queries solved. No question should be considered silly, so do not get embarrassed and go ahead solving your query. After receiving good news, doctor is sure to give away a bag full of goodies which could include valuable coupons and packets of information. Read all the stuff carefully and note down if any questions before visiting the doctor next time. The next appoint is most likely to be after a month.

The doctor would most likely prescribe various prenatal vitamins. However, make sure that you take the vitamins as they are essential during the pregnancy. If in case, there is any adverse reaction to vitamins then make sure that you tell the doctor as they would prescribe you with a lower dosage or even some other brand of the prenatal vitamins.

The first ultrasound is most likely to be after 20 weeks of the pregnancy and would determine sex of your baby. At times, the doctor might order ultrasound at about 10-12 weeks for confirming the pregnancy. The doctor would also check that all the things are progressing as they need to be. Throughout the pregnancy, you would be bombarded with one test after another and an ultrasound after another. These are just a few precautionary measures on the list.

In the starting period of pregnancy, your doctor appointments would mostly be four weeks apart. Once the pregnancy progresses to about 32 weeks then you would see the doctor every two weeks and later just once you reach 36 weeks till you reach 40, the appointment would be a week apart. After the pregnancy crosses 40 weeks, the first time mothers would require seeing the doctor after every few days for ensuring safety of you also your baby. Rest assured as your doctor wouldn’t allow pregnancy to progress beyond the 42 weeks although it could be needed for inducing the labor medically or naturally.

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